The function set_scenario
provides a convenient way to
create randomized scenarios for urban agriculture. We use the
provided with the package that is meant to
serve as example to create a model for a city of interest.
We create one scenario, with 50% of normal gardens, vacant plot,
streets and 75% of rooftops converted to edible_gardens. And with 50% of
created gardens being for commercial purposes. To see the correspondence
between original and urban agriculture elements, see
scenario <- set_scenario(city_example,
pGardens = 0.5,
pVacant = 0.5,
pRooftop = 0.75,
private_gardens_from = "Normal garden",
vacant_from = c("Vacant", "Streets"),
rooftop_from = "Rooftop",
pCommercial = 0.5)
#> Only 328 rooftops out of 453 assumed satisfy the 'min_area_rooftop'
The warnings are triggered when there are not elements enough to fulfill the proportions provided to the function.
in this examples, we use the scenario created with
, but all the indicators can be calculated
using an sf
object with the same structure as
Likewise, all the parameters used by the indicators are defined in
. However, all indicators provide an option
to override this an provide a customized dataframe with the parameters.
The structure of this dataframe is detailed in the documentation of each
The urban heat island indicator can return a summary of values or a
object. It needs a raster representing the Sky view
factor. See ?UHI
for more details. We use the
object provided with the package.
withr::local_envvar(new = c("GTIFF_SRS_SOURCE" = "ESPG")) # To avoid CRS warning
UHI(scenario, SVF)
#> Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
#> 0.000 0.545 1.014 1.031 1.423 2.587
withr::local_envvar(new = c("GTIFF_SRS_SOURCE" = "ESPG")) # To avoid CRS warning
plot(UHI(scenario, SVF, return_raster = TRUE))
The function runoff_prev
returns an estimation of the
runoff in the city after a specific rain event (mm/day). It also
estimates the total rainfall and the rainwater harvested by urban
The function green_distance
computes the distances from
each home in the city to its closest public green area larger than a
specific area. The homes must be identified using the column passed to
. The default values for minimal area (0.5 ha)
and for maximum distance (300 meters) follow the recommendations of
#> Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
#> 6.12 155.08 251.70 249.72 347.42 465.73
If percent_out
is set to TRUE
, instead of a
summary of distances, it returns the percentage of homes that are
further than max_dist
The function green_capita
calculates the amount of
public and/or private green are per capita in the city. It can compute
the total of the city, the values for each neighbourhood or the ratio
between the neighbourhoods with minimum and maximum value (min /
green_capita(scenario, inhabitants = 6000)
#> [1] 10.75267
neighbourhoods = neighbourhoods_example,
inh_col = 'inhabitants',
name_col = 'name',
verbose = TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 2 × 4
#> name area inhabitants green_capita
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Sant Narcís nord 36067 1028 35.1
#> 2 Sant Narcís sud 34633 5290 6.55
neighbourhoods = neighbourhoods_example,
inh_col = 'inhabitants',
name_col = 'name')
#> [1] 0.1866025
The function no2_seq
computes the amount of
NO2 sequestered by urban green in gr/s.
The function edible_jobs
estimates the number of jobs
potentially created by commercial urban agriculture. Since the number of
jobs / m2 is randomized, it computes a Monte Carlo simulation (n=1000)
to estimate the value and returns the confidence interval (unless
verbose = TRUE
The function edible_volunteers
estimates the number of
volunteers potentially involved in community urban agriculture. Since
the number of volunteers / m2 is randomized, it computes a Monte Carlo
simulation (n=1000) to estimate the value and returns the confidence
interval (unless verbose = TRUE
The function food_production
estimates the food produced
by urban agriculture (in kg/year). Since the productivity of each plot
is randomized, It computes a Monte Carlo simulation (n=1000) to estimate
the value and returns the confidence interval (unless
verbose = TRUE
The construction of scenarios as well as some parameters in the indicators are randomized to consider uncertainty. Our recommendation is to run each scenario you want to simulate in a Monte Carlo simulation to get the confidence interval for each indicator. You will find a practical implementation here.